redefining wealth

Money is a force in human nature just as powerful as sex, and talking about it is just as taboo.

saturday, November 25
9am - 2pm pst

 exploring money in the body, mind, spirit and functional world

The topic of money activates both our deepest desires and our greatest insecurities, so as a society we tend to avoid it. We don’t talk about money or learn how to invest it. Instead, we demonize money and wish we could live without it. Or, we obsess over money and put more emphasis on working than on living our lives. We give away our power to the few who are willing to play the money game, and hope that it all works out in our favor.

It’s time for the heart-centered members of society to take our power back! This mission requires not only talking about money, but shifting our consciousness around money in an integral way.

In this workshop series, you will:

- Investigate how money resides in the Body, Mind, and Spirit, and how these energetics play out in the external world.
- Unpack and rewrite the narratives you have surrounding work & money.
- Explore the connection between money and sexuality.
- Engage in radically honest conversations about money.
- Take meaningful actions to assess and audit your finances.
- Be held accountable to your personal goals by the group.
- Establish tangible financial goals and a roadmap toward achieving them.
- Learn how to build wealth sustainably by working smarter, not harder.
- Transform your relationship to money and set out on a path toward meaningful work, long-term wealth, and financial well-being.
- Reprogram limiting beliefs and remove energetic obstacles through TantraSoma Bodywork
- Explore how to use your own sexual energy to enter the flow state and create intentions and powerful visions of your dream life

It’s 2023 - financial literacy is SEXY! We can’t wait to dive deep and shake things up with you.

No previous knowledge is required, just willingness and openness to new perspectives. The language spoken during the event is English.

what, why & how

To Jules, "wealth" is being able to walk into a grocery store and put whatever she wants into her basket. Wealth is being able to work when she wants, from where she wants. Wealth enables her to share her energy generously with the world.

Jules is a Transformational Facilitator and Software Engineer living in San Francisco. She actively practices the art of love. Through breath, sound, movement and touch, she guides people home to their bodies. She is also passionate about demystifying the world of finance and helping others re-claim their power.



Freya's definition of wealth includes being able to travel the world with her beloved, gain knowledge and support others in their development.

Freya is a guide, coach and healer who connects the Eastern with the Western culture. In her work, Freya uses ancient spiritual tantric knowledge, shamanic practices, meditation, breath work, yoga, bodywork, dance, NLP, NVC, drama, sex coaching, elements of process-oriented therapy and many other tools that she has collected over 20 years of practice.



For Alexander, wealth means being able to relax and dedicate himself to what gives him the most joy.

Alexander works as a coach & facilitator with passion and a lot of personal commitment with people, teams and organizations on their way to the best possible outcome. He loves accompanying transformation and holding space for it. Through his holistic and sensitive approach, direct and authentic communication and his situational intuition, additional levels are also exposed.

Sliding scale. Pay according to your level of abundance! No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

$38 - $58
