the bad art club presents...

"f*cking around with paint & stuff on canvas"

6-9 PST

planted @ the faight

The Bad Art Club is flipping the script on what makes art "good" or "bad".
The point is not what you make, it's how you feel making it. Whoever makes the worst art (and has the most fun) wins, and zero experience is encouraged. You're sure to gain a lot of inspiration, creative confidence, and maybe even some new friends in the process.

Come and rip off a piece from our collective canvas on which to throw paint, glue stuff, transfer images, and more. Experience the freedom to f*ck around with whatever textures and colors being you the utmost pleasure and joy. You can make a patch, a wall hanging, or something with no utility at all. What you do is up to you (and so is what you do with it)!

This is a fully facilitated experience that is designed to transform your relationship with art, yourself, and the communities you're a part of. Come exactly as you are, alone or with friends. (From personal experience, showing up alone often leads to a lot of magic).

Now let's make some BAD ART!

Click here to register

No one will be turned away due to lack of funds!
If a ticket is not in your budget, just send me an email to get on the list and make a donation at the door.