Hi, I'm Jules.

I really love witnessing people be vulnerable, break their patterns, and transform their lives from the inside out. I offer one-on-one sessions (both in person and remotely), as well as a variety of group workshops in San Francisco. People work with me because they desire deeper intimacy themselves, others, and life as a whole.

At the core of all of my offerings is radical permission - to explore, express, make a mess, and feel it all. While every session and workshop is uniquely crafted to meet the needs of the present moment, there are some themes that weave through them all:

~ The body is the gateway to personal freedom. ~
~ Vulnerability is the most powerful force on the planet. ~
~ Healing happens when our authenticity is met with love and acceptance. ~

My facilitation is rooted in the spiritual practices and experiences that have supported my own personal transformation, including:

~ Psychedelic Integration, Parts Work (IFS), Hakomi, Tantra, Authentic Relating, Meditation, Dance, Art and more... ~

I offer a wide array of tools to support the healing process of each unique individual. I meet people with unwavering acceptance, sensitivity, curiosity and compassion. I craft the conditions that support deep and true healing processes to unfold.

In humble servitude, I offer my heart to yours... I'm so excited to meet you!

Certified Addiction Recovery & Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coach
5-month training by Being True To You LLC

Nativ Graduate
280-hour training in the Art of Transformational Facilitation by Shachar Caspi & Arynn Dvir

1-1 sessions

Private sessions are unique to the individual and move at their pace. Each is an opportunity to slow down into presence, tune in to the inner world, and create space for the natural healing process to unfold.

A teacher of mine says, "If the body keeps the score, then the mind hides it." The body is always present and it always tells the truth, whereas the mind is an expert at insulating us from pain and is usually stuck in the past or projecting into the future. The body is the gateway for deep healing and transformation to occur at the cellular level. Therefore, embodied integration is at the core of this work.

I offer clients a wide range of mindfulness and somatic tools that support them to:

- Access and release emotional charges that are stuck in their body
- Regulate their nervous system
- Investigate and heal their core wounds
- Discover and let go of their limiting beliefs
- Witness their direct experience with curiosity and compassion
- Expand their capacity to be with challenging emotions
- Become comfortable in the unknown
- Embody a healthy and integrated sense of Self

Working with me looks like breathing together, getting to know each other, developing a genuine connection and building trust. From there, we get to explore whatever is naturally arising for you, moment to moment, throughout the session.

Rather than using words to tell stories about the experience you're having, I support you to be with the direct experience that is happening in your body as it unfolds. The subconscious is given the space it needs to express itself. Whatever core material that rises to the surface is met with softness, curiosity and compassion. In this way, stories are rewritten, and wounds heal over.


Group experiences give people permission to show up exactly as they are and be witnessed in their authentic expression. Supported by a true sense of belonging, participants are encouraged to explore, express, and expand into new ways of being.

Play, curiosity, experimentation, innocence and humor supports the group as they journey into unseen territories together. Each group experience is held with loving presence and an emphasis on consent.

I offer a wide range of workshops and rituals, mostly surrounding themes of:

- Breaking patterns & releasing limiting beliefs
- Expressing needs, desires, & boundaries
- Deepening into sensuality & pleasure
- Dancing, movement & somatic release
- Intimacy, connection & authentic relating

Currently, workshops are held in San Francisco.

See Upcoming Workshops



IG: @__iloveveryone__

Send me a message, I'd love to hear from you.

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